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Kampala, Uganda
Start: 15 January 2001
End: 19 January 2001

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A Training of Trainers (TOT) Workshop for the Distance Learning Courses on Gender, Health and Poverty, 15-19 January 2001, Kampala, Uganda.

Workshop Objectives

The objectives of the Workshop are to:

  • Familiarize participants with the content of the DL sessions so that they are confident in facilitating the course material;
  • Familiarize participants with the requirements of DL events in an interactive and participatory way;
  • Ensure that all participants are skilled in participatory learning methods;
  • Ensure that the course material provided is suitable for the countries in which the DL course will be offered; and
  • Develop a consensus among the facilitators on the material, sequence, and methodologies to be used during the DL course.


Participants will be experienced African trainers who are skilled in participatory learning methods, sensitive to gender issues or familiar with RH issues, and can demonstrate good local knowledge. They will come from:

  • Ethiopia, Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda, where the pilot DL course will be offered 20 February to 10 April 2001;
  • Benin, Guinea, Ivory Coast and Senegal, where the Francophone DL course will be offered 23 April to 11 June; and
  • Zambia and Zimbabwe where future DL courses are planned.


The Workshop will be held in English and all participants must be fluent in English.


Questions concerning this announcement should be directed to:
Marilyn Lauglo
Tel: 202 473 89 26



Cote d'Ivoire









Resource Persons

Marilyn Lauglo Marguerite Monnet Margaret Muganwa
Margaret Muganwa Arlette Campbell White


Policies and programs built on an understanding of the linkages between gender, reproductive health and human development can make significant contributions to poverty reduction at both household and country levels.

To assist countries in analyzing, designing, and developing better health policies and programs which reduce gender - based inequality requires a wider recognition of:

  • gender biases underlying perceptions of how men and women contribute to society;
  • the structural roles of men and women in the economy and informal sector;
  • the household economy and women's contributions to it; and
  • the trade-offs women make to promote health and provide health care at the household level.

Using distance learning (DL) techniques and methodologies through the Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) , WBI will offer a Distance Learning Course on ‘New Agendas for Poverty Reduction Strategies: Integrating Gender and Health.’ This eight-part course will be delivered to Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Tanzania and Uganda from 20 February to 10 April 2001.

The success of the DL course will depend on having skilled and trained facilitators to ensure familiarity with moderating DL training and an understanding of the course material presented in each of the countries where the DL course will be offered. In order to achieve this, a Training of Trainers Workshop (TOT) will be conducted from 15 – 19 January, 2001 in Kampala, Uganda.
