
Welcome First-time visitors!
This unique site is a learning center and document database for the
different training courses that are part of the Adapting to Change Program. For
each course you will find agendas, reading materials, and contact information for
both the trainers and participants, along with biographies. For some of the
courses you will find presentations that you can download and watch
from your screen. In addition, we encourage you to sign up for the Adapting to Change
newsletter which will allow you to receive updates on training courses, news
about progress in population, reproductive health and health services reform,
and information about updates and changes to the web site.
Special Announcement!
This year's
was attended by 71 participants representing 29 countries. Soon
to come: photos from the tie contest and notable quotes from participants.
To see how the 1999 alumni have made use of the knowledge, tools,
and materials attained from the course in their current work as
planners, managers, decision makers, implementers and trainers,
More About the
Adapting to Change Program: