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Following is a list of other Reproductive Health Web Sites you might find useful:

Academic Institutions

Harvard Global Reproductive Health Forum
The Global Reproductive Health Forum @ Harvard (GRHF) aims to encourage the proliferation of critical, democratic discussions about reproductive health, rights, and gender on the net.

Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies
The Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies aims to advance understanding of world
population issues through collaborative research, publications, and seminars.

Johns Hopkins Population Communication Services (PCS)

Reproline—Johns Hopkins

Centre for Population Studies at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
The Centre for Population Studies (CPS) is a research unit within the Department of Epidemiology & Population Health of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. CPS is engaged in the measurement and explanation of population trends and in the evaluation of attempts to modify them. The Centre is active in research both on Britain and Europe and on the demography of developing countries.

Office of Population Research at Princeton University
The Office of Population Research at Princeton University is the oldest population research center in the country. Founded in 1936, it has trained 112 students who received doctoral degrees and more than 100 others who received one-year professional training. Many of these alumni occupy important professional positions in developing countries; others are on university faculties in this country and abroad.

Carolina Population Center

Directory of Population Study or Research Centers

Health Training  
Postgraduate Training Programmes in International Health. Health training is Medicus Mundi Switzerland's internet inventory of postgraduate training opportunities. The website provides comprehensive information on postgraduate training and further education in the field of International Health.

NGOs and Bilateral Organizations

Demographic and Health Surveys/Macro International
The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) program is one of the world's largest primary sources of information on women, men and their families in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Funded primarily by USAID, DHS has been collaborating with developing country institutions since 1984 in conducting national surveys on fertility, family planning, maternal and child health and household living conditions. The DHS program is implemented by Macro International Inc. in Calverton, Maryland.

International Planned Parenthood Federation
The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) links national autonomous Family Planning Associations (FPAs) in over 150 countries worldwide. It is registered as a charity in the United Kingdom and is the largest voluntary organization in the world to be concerned with family planning and sexual and reproductive health.

Pathfinder International
Pathfinder International, a nonprofit organization, works with institutions all over the world to create and improve access to the fullest possible range of quality information and services to enable individuals and couples to make reproductive health choices.

The Population Council
The Population Council is an international, nonprofit, nongovernmental institution that seeks to improve the wellbeing and reproductive health of current and future generations around the world and to help achieve a humane, equitable, and sustainable balance between people and resources. The Council conducts biomedical, social science, and public health research and helps build research capacities in developing countries. Established in 1952, the Council is governed by an international board of trustees. Its New York headquarters supports a global network of regional and country offices.

Population Reference Bureau
PRB is dedicated to providing timely, objective information on U.S. and international population trends. We inform policymakers, the media, and concerned citizens working in the public interest about the demographic trends that shape our world. PRB is a nonprofit, nonadvocacy organization.

Management Sciences for Health/ Family Planning Management Development

USAID - Population, Health and Nutrition
USAID supports Population, Health and Nutrition (PHN) programs in over 67 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe. Programs focus on family planning, child survival, prevention of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections, maternal health and nutrition, and health system reforms. This site also provides Population, Health and Nutrition links.

U.S. Bureau of the Census
For information on population trends and characteristics, a useful source of information is the International Database (IDB), maintained by the U.S. Bureau of the Census. The IDB has information on 40 demographic variables, such as population, urban/rural split, religious affiliation, etc., for every country in the world. The information runs as far back as 1950, and projects out to 2050. It is available by country, and multiple countries can be run at once.

Family Care International
Features global and regional projects in Anglophone and Francophone Africa and Latin America;  Information on maternal health, sexual and reproductive health, adolescent health, family planning, unsafe abortion, and violence against women; Jobs and internships; Index of over 40 resources. 

Multilateral Organizations

Cairo Conference Home page
The United Nations International Conference on Population andDevelopment (ICPD) was held from 5-13 September 1994 in Cairo, Egypt. During this two week period world leaders, high ranking officials, representatives of non-governmental organizations and United Nations agencies gathered to agree on a Programme of Action.

UN Population Fund (UNFPA)
In 1995, UNFPA provided support to 150 countries, 45 in sub-Saharan Africa, 34 in Latin America and the Caribbean, 42 in Asia and the Pacific, and 29 in the Arab States and Europe. Since 1969 the Fund has provided a total of $3.4 billion to virtually all developing countries. UNFPA directly manages one fourth of the world's population assistance to developing countries. In addition, UNFPA provides a multilateral channel through which donors can direct bilateral population assistance to recipient countries for specific programmes or projects.

World Bank: Population and reproductive health articles and working papers

UN Population and Development from Africa (POPIN-Africa)

ECA-African Center for Women

UN Population Division—World Population Estimates and Projections The United Nations Population Division biennially prepares the official United Nations population estimates and projections for countries, their urban and rural areas, and their major cities for all countries and areas of the world. These population estimates and projections provide the standard and consistent set of population figures which are used throughout the United Nations system as the basis for activities requiring population information as an input.
