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Abdo Yazbeck Economist (Health) World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Room MC11-801 Washington DC 20433 United States PHONE: 202.473.0847 FAX: 202-522-2955Abdo Yazbeck has a Ph.D. in applied heath and labor economics. His experience in International Health includes work on Algeria, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Egypt, India, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Morocco, Niger, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Tunisia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and Zimbabwe. Areas of special interest include equity, costing, economic evaluation methods, and financing health services. Recent experience includes policy dialogue, project development and supervision, and training of health professionals. In 1992-93, he prepared background papers for and assisted in writing of the World Bank's 1993 World Development Report: Investing in Health. From 1987 till 1992 he taught Economics at Rice University and Texas A&M University.