Margaret Catley-Carlson
International Advisor The Chrysler Building 405 Lexington, 4th fl, # 5128 New York NY 10174 United States PHONE: 212 457 1862 FAX: 212 457 4044Margaret Catley-Carlson is an Advisor to public and private organizations applying science and knowledge to the better management of national and international problems. She is the Chair of the Global Water Partnership, and of the Water Resources Advisory Committee of Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux. She is on the Boards of ICARDA, the IDRC, the ODC and is Chair of CABI which provides global services to agriculture and bioscience. She is on several Advisory Councils to the private sector in health and finance fields and is a clinical professor in Tulane University. She is a member of the Canadian
Advisory Council to the International Ocean Institute, and the Inter-American Dialogue.
Mrs. Catley-Carlson is the immediate past president of the Population Council (91-99), and past President of CIDA, the Canadian International Development Agency (1983-89). She has been Deputy Director (Operations) of UNICEF, with the rank of Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations; Deputy Minister, Health and Welfare. Her international career began in the Department of External Affairs, Canada, with diplomatic posts in Sri Lanka and London. Mrs. Catley-Carlson graduated from the University of British of Columbia and has received eight honorary degrees.