Eugene Boostrom
eboostrom@worldbank.org Senior Public Health Specialist World Bank Institute Human Development Group 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington DC 20433 United States PHONE: 202-473 4084 FAX: 202- 614 0077Dr. Eugene Boostrom , a physician specialist in public health and preventive medicine, is a Senior Public Health Specialist at the World Bank. After two decades of international health planning, implementation, evaluation and training experience in Africa, the Middle East and Latin America and the Caribbean, in 1988 he joined the health and population team in Bank's Africa Technical Department, where he worked with Francophone and Lusophone African countries for eight years. Since late 1996 he has been on the staff of the World Bank Institute (WBI, formerly known as the Economic Development Institute). WBI is responsible for training programs for Bank staff and for staff from developing countries with which the Bank works.
Dr. Boostrom is a member of the team responsible for the Bank's "Flagship Program" for training in Health Sector Reform and Sustainable Financing and also of the team for the training program in Population, Reproductive Health and Health Sector Reform. He focuses on development, implementation and evaluation of distance learning courses for those programs and on activities of the Flagship Program's Regional Partner Institute for Latin America and the Caribbean (a consortium led by the Universidad Alberto Hurtado/Instituto Latino Americano de Estudios Sociales and Bitran y Asociados, both based in Santiago, Chile). Dr. Boostrom is also a resource person within the Bank in matters related to health informatics, telehealth and knowledge management, and was the first co-coordinator of the Bank's Thematic Group on Health Sector Reform, Economics and Financing (now the Health Systems Development Thematic Group). He has a special interest in Health Workforce Development and along with WHO and ILO representatives and other experts is a member of the WHO-led Global Health Workforce Strategy Group. He is a founder of the Global Health Network (http://www.pitt.edu/HOME/GHNet/GHNet.html), and was involved in establishing the International AIDS Economics Network (http://www.iaen.org/) and the affiliated multi-agency website on AIDS Economics (http://www.worldbank.org/aids-econ/). He managed a website jointly sponsored by the Flagship Program and the Thematic Group (http://www.worldbank.org/healthreform/) now being supplanted by the Health Flagship Program's site at http://www.worldbank.org/wbi/healthflagship/. He also works on the Population and Reproductive Health Program's website.