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Following is an alphabetical listing of all publications available in the
Adapting to Change Database. Many of the files are presented in PDF
only. You must have a PDF viewer to download these documents, and you may
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Acrobat website.
Library contains 21 resources. Showing 15 at a time.
The Burden of AIDS in Africa
David E. Bloom
Date of Publication: August 30, 1999 This document describes how the HIV/AIDS epidemic is offsetting decades of normal improvement in life expectancy in several African countries (UNAIDS 1998).
The Core Course: Module 1
Margaret Catley-Carlson
Date of Publication: September 20, 1999 40 page Power Point Presentation in PDF for Introductory Session of Core Course entitled "New Directions in Population."
The Design and Delivery of Reproductive Health Services
Marc Mitchell Arlette Campbell White
Date of Publication: September 01, 2000
This paper and Module 2 of the Core Course on Population, Reproductive Health and Health Sector Reform are an attempt to highlight some of the tools that are needed for successful implementation of a reproductive health program. It is meant as a guide for planners and implementers of reproductive health programs who are looking for ways to accelerate the progress that has been achieved since the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development. The Programme of Action was deliberately ambitious and has provided the basis for fundamental reappraisal of the way in which health services are delivered in most countries. However, today, more than six years later, it is time to move from policy and rhetoric to better practice and results.
The Family and Economic Development
Marc Mitchell David Canning Erin L. Kleindorfer David E. Bloom
Date of Publication: September 07, 1999 This paper looks at how countries have tried to understand the factors that influence fertility, labor force participation, education enrollment rates, and saving, and have begun to look more closely at how the household makes its decisions and what factors influence this process. From Harvard Institute for International Development.
The Global Burden of Disease Summary: Harvard School of Public Health web site
Date of Publication: December 13, 1996
The Implication of Health Sector Reform for Reproductive Health and Rights
[613kb / PDF]
Date of Publication: December 17, 1998 In: The
Working Group on Reproductive Health and Family Planning: Report of the Meeting
on The Implications of Health Sector Reform for Reproductive Rights. December
14-15, 1998. Center for Health and Gender Equity, Washington D.C., and The
Population Council, New York.
The Implication of Health Sector Reform for Reproductive Health and Rights --Table of Contents
[66 kb / PDF]
Date of Publication: December 17, 1998 Table of contents for 104 page document: "The Implication of Health Sector Reform for Reproductive Health and Rights."
The Mystique of Markets: Public and Private Health Care in Developing Countries -- Part 1
[1.62 mb / PDF]
Sara Bennett
Date of Publication: December 16, 1999 Department of Public Health and Policy. Health Policy Unit
The Mystique of Markets: Public and Private Health Care in Developing Countries -- Part 2
[1.47 mb / PDF]
Sara Bennett
Date of Publication: January 01, 1991 Department of Public Health and Policy. Health Policy Unit
The Mystique of Markets: Public and Private Health Care in Developing Countries -- Part 3
[1.68 mb / PDF]
Sara Bennett
Date of Publication: January 01, 1991 Department of Public Health and Policy. Health Policy Unit
The Mystique of Markets: Public and Private Health Care in Developing Countries -- Part 4
[2.18 mb / PDF]
Sara Bennett
Date of Publication: January 01, 1991 Department of Public Health and Policy. Health Policy Unit
The Mystique of Markets: Public and Private Health Care in Developing Countries -- Part 5
[1.93 mb / PDF]
Sara Bennett
Date of Publication: January 01, 1991 Department of Public Health and Policy. Health Policy Unit
The Nature of Health Sector Reform in the Americas and its Significance for PAHO's Technical Cooperation
Daniel López Acuña
Date of Publication: September 01, 2000
This is a background paper for the Annual PAHO’s Managers Retreat, October 23-24, 2000 - Washington, D.C. Dr. Lopez-Acuna also presented it at the Core Course 2000 in Module 3 in his session on "Cross-cutting Issues: Resource Mobilization". The paper provides a description of the nature of health sector reform in the LAC region, monitoring health sector reform, health sector reforms to date, and towards a new generation of health sector reforms to improve people's health.
The Political Dimension--Presentation
[31 kb / PDF]
Michael Reich
Date of Publication: September 13, 1999 PowerPoint Presentation
The Public Private Mix: The Case of Mali
Allan G. Hill
Date of Publication: August 30, 1999 This paper is a summary of the methods employed by the government of Mali to allow the development of the Centres de Sante Communautaires (CSCOMS).
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