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Following is an alphabetical listing of all publications available in the Adapting to Change Database.  Many of the files are presented in PDF only.  You must have a PDF viewer to download these documents, and you may obtain a free copy at the Adobe Acrobat website.

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Library contains 10 resources. Showing 15 at a time.

A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U V W [all]

Health Care Reform in Zambia   
Date of Publication: September 07, 1999
Case Study Report on health care reform in Zambia.

Health Reform in Brazil    [26 kb / PDF]
Author(s):  Susan Harmeling
Date of Publication: January 01, 1999
Paper prepared for the WBI Course, World Bank Institute, Washington, D.C. (unpublished)

Health Reform in Egypt    [48 kb / PDF]
Author(s):  Susan Harmeling
Date of Publication: January 01, 1999
Paper prepared for the WBI Course, World Bank Institute, Washington, D.C. (unpublished)

Health Reform, How the Players are Trying to Improve Health System Performance   
Author(s):  Maha El Adawy
Date of Publication: October 09, 2000

Health Sector Reform and HIV/AIDS: Framework for Analysis   
Author(s):  E. Tarimo
Date of Publication: September 07, 1999
This paper addresses issues like opportunities in health sector reform provide for HIV/AIDS programmes, survival of HIV/AIDS programmes after health sector reforms, and when certain health sector reform policies should be modified and how.

Health Sector Reform in Karibuni    [25 kb / PDF]
Author(s):  Marc Mitchell
Date of Publication: September 13, 1999
Case Study.

Health-Related Quality of Life    [110 kb / PDF]
Author(s):  A. Bowling
Date of Publication: September 17, 1999
Success in the West is usually determined by economic achievement and occupational status. In the developed world, with the emphasis on affluence and with the increasing longevity of populations, there is a general interest in how to achieve the `goodness' of life, sometimes called life satisfaction or quality of life.

HIV/AIDS in Africa -Youssouf Ouedraogo   
Author(s):  Youssouf Ouedraogo
Date of Publication: October 05, 2000

HIV/AIDS Presentation Youssouf Ouedraogo   
Author(s):  Youssouf Ouedraogo
Date of Publication: October 05, 2000

How to Buy a $12 Package at $3.50, a Bangladesh Case Study    [49 kb / PDF]
Author(s):  Abdo Yazbeck
Date of Publication: September 13, 1999
The time-log presented below describes the events leading to and during project preparation for the Bangladesh Health and Population Program Project (HPPP) also known by the Government of Bangladesh as Health and Population Sector Program (HPSP) and previously known as the Fifth Bangladesh Health and Population Program (HAPP-5).

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