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Following is an alphabetical listing of all publications available in the
Adapting to Change Database. Many of the files are presented in PDF
only. You must have a PDF viewer to download these documents, and you may
obtain a free copy at the Adobe
Acrobat website.
Library contains 170 resources. Showing 15 at a time.
A 5-year Review of Progress Towards the Implementation of the Programme of Actions of ICPD (from the UNFPA web site)
[80 kb / PDF]
Date of Publication: June 30, 1999 Document from the UNFPA web site at http://www.unfpa.org/icpd/indexold.htm: Twenty-first special session of the General Assembly for an overall review and appraisal of the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development: Report of the Secretary-General (5 October 1999)
A Quick History of Health Communication--Presentation
[328 kb / PDF]
Mary Paterson
Date of Publication: September 13, 1999 PowerPoint presentation
Adapting to Change Program Brochure
Date of Publication: November 03, 2000 A brochure describing the World Bank Institute's Adapting to Change Program.
Analyse des systèmes de santé
Gaston Sorgho
Date of Publication: June 01, 2000 This Powerpoint presentation accompanies the Francophone Africa Training of Trainers Workshop session entitled, "Analyse des systèmes de santé.
Analyse des systèmes de santé (Powerpoint)
Gaston Sorgho
Date of Publication: May 26, 2000
Annotated Bibliography for HNP Costing Workshop
A. Creese D. Parker
Date of Publication: August 31, 1999 Annotated Bibliography for HNP Costing Workshop on Reproductive Health, June 1998
Annoted Bibliography of Selected Costing Manuals
[141 kb / PDF]
Date of Publication: January 01, 1998
Applied Political Analysis for Health Policy Reform--Link to Harvard University web site
Michael Reich
Date of Publication: December 13, 1996 From Current Issues in Public Health 1996, Harvard University.
AVCI Powerpoint presentation
Alexis N'Tabona
Date of Publication: May 26, 2000
Background Paper on Reproductive Health
[108 kb / Microsoft Word]
Carla AbouZahr
Date of Publication: September 01, 1999 "Adapting to Change," Core Course on Population, Reproductive Health, and Health Sector Reform. World Bank Institute.
The articulation of the concept of reproductive rights, accompanied by growing strength of the women’s movement and the advent of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, became the impetus behind the paradigm shift in reproductive health care that Cairo represents. Despite a generalised adoption of the Cairo wording, there still exist different ways of conceptualising reproductive health, which makes it hard to define its precise boundaries. It is also difficult to precisely assess the extent to which reproductive ill-health outcomes contributes to the overall burden of disease among different groups of people due to some disadvantages of the existing epidemiological databases and summary measures of population health such as DALYs. However, it is clear that the suffering associated with poor reproductive health is large, especially in developing countries, and more particularly among the poor, which implies its risk factors. Impact of poor reproductive health can be further investigated beyond maternal morbidity and mortality.
Background Paper on Reproductive Health--Slide Presentation
[89 kb / PDF]
Carla AbouZahr
Date of Publication: September 07, 1999 Power Point Presentation for Adapting to Change Core Course.
Background: Asia's New Demographic Realities
Date of Publication: August 31, 1999 This background paper looks at Asia's changing demographics, and how dramatic increases have caused much concern about the negative effects of population growth, and the burdens that it places on developing countries in Asia.
Balloon Debate: "It's Not Just Sex: Why Economists Should be Interested in the Population Debate"
[17 kb / PDF]
Date of Publication: September 07, 1999
Beginning the Design Process: Services and Service Delivery
[201 kb / PDF]
Marc Mitchell
Date of Publication: September 13, 1999
Bolivia: Reproductive Health Costs and Financing
Date of Publication: September 07, 1999 This Power Point Presentation in PDF looks at Workshop Results on a study of Bolivia: Reproductive Health Costs and Financing.
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