12:30 |
Session 1: Introduction to the week
Paul Shaw,
World Bank
Link between RH Agenda and Health Sector Reform
Katherine Krasovec,
Abt Associates
Session 4: Introduction
to Health Systems Undergoing Reform
Paul Shaw,
World Bank
Presentation: Trends in Public Sector
Cost Recovery, Private Sector Development, Public Sector Management
Changes, Sector Wide Perspectives
Charlotte Leighton,
George Washington University
Session 7: New Public and
Private Service Delivery Models
Paul Shaw,
World Bank
Session 9: Use of Performance-based
Contracting to Achieve Health Sector Reform & Reproductive
Health Goals -- Theory & Design Issues
Design Issues and Lessons Learned
Charlotte Leighton,
George Washington University
Session 3 Continued: Groups Deliberate on Selected Questions
Pertaining to Ghana Reforms
Facilitated discussion based on small
group exercises.
Paul Shaw,
World Bank
Awudu Tinorgah,
Ministry of Health, Ghana
Group Discussions:
What's going on in your country regarding health sector reform, that
may affect the RH agenda? How can the health sector reform process be
strentgthened/improved to advance reproductive health?
Session 5: Sector Wide Approaches & Experience in Bangladesh
Phil Gowers,
World Bank
Tom Merrick,
World Bank
Session 8: Country Example: Egypt
Mary Paterson,
Partnerships for Health Reform, Cairo
Session 9 continued: Contracting Exercise.
Shaping Contracts for Greater
Charlotte Leighton,
George Washington University
Session 12: Leadership for Change
Marc Roberts,
Harvard University
16:00 to 17:30 |
Session 2: Diagnosing Problems, Causes and Solutions in
Reproductive Health and Health Sector Reform
Paul Shaw,
World Bank
Session 6: Ghanas Experience in Health Reform: A Public Sector
Ed Elmendorf
World Bank
Francois Decaillet
World Bank
Awudu Tinorgah
Ministry of Health, Ghana
Session 9:
Country Example: Egypt Continued
Mary Paterson,
Partnerships for Health Reform, Cairo
Session 10: New Private Service Delivery Models: Theory &
Design Issues
Paul Shaw,
World Bank
Country Example: Philippines
Benito Reverente,
Philam Care Health Systems, Inc.
Course Evaluation
Presentation of Certificates |
Session 3: Introduction to Ghana Case:
Overview of Tuesday/WEdnesday and Thursday Small Group Exercises.
Edna Jonas
World Bank
Group Exercise on Ghana continued
Group Exercise on Ghana continued
Group Exercise on Ghana continued