
The Balloon Debate on:
"It's Not Just Sex: Why Economists should Be Interested in the Population Debate"
A Balloon Debate on Population and Economic Development
The Balloon Debate was comprised of several well-known economists,
costumed to represent characters from history, discussing these
issues in a light-hearted way with serious undertones. Four famous
historical figures (Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus, Margaret Sanger
and Gunnar Myrdal) are in a hot air balloon which is rapidly sinking
and will fall to the ground unless some of the excess baggage (passengers!)
is thrown overboard. The video of this debate shows their impassioned
speeches as they each explain how development would be adversely
affected if they were to be thrown out of the balloon. Held in July
1999 this debate was the Keynote Session on Population and Development
at the World Bank's Poverty Reduction and Economic Management (PREM)
Network's annual two-day forum attended by more than 800 World Bank
economists and external participants. To view this debate, click
on the full session video, or the desired sub-section below.
Download Background Document [PDF]
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