Participants from Zimbabwe
- Mary Bassett
Department of Community Medicine, University of Zimbabwe
Fax: (263/4) 739406
- Dr. B. Ncube
Acting Executive Director,
Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council (ZNFPC)
- Dr. Shodu
Programme Manager, Reproductive and Family Health, MOHSW
Fax: (263/4) 793634)
- Mr. Joseph Malaba
Chief executive Officer, Population Services Zimbabwe
Crida House, 69 Eighth Street, Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: (263/4) 793195
Fax: (263/4) 738950
- Mr. David Pagwesese Parirenyatwa
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Health and Child Welfare
Box 66 222, Kopje, Harare, Zimbabwe
Fax: (263/4)793634
- Dr. S. Matchaba
Zimbabwe Medical Association/University of Zimbabwe,
Department of Ob/Gyn
Fax: (263/4) 333407/335249