Adapting to Change: Nairobi, Kenya, 21-25 September, 1998 Agenda
Sunday 20 September |
Monday 21 September |
Tuesday 22 September |
Wednesday 23 September |
Thursday 24 September |
Friday 25 September |
0830-1000 |
Welcome and Introduction of participants Learning objectives/
Design of the Forum |
III. The Experiences Theme 1: Integration Country case study 1: The Gambia |
IV. The Challenges HIV/AIDS: Intensifying efforts for HIV/AIDS programs within Health Sector Reform Settings |
III. The Experiences Theme 3: Costing and Resource Mobilization Country case study 4: Malawi |
IV. The Challenges Organizational and Institutional Challenges: Effective Delivery and Coordination of Service ProvisionCountry Presentations and Discussion |
1000-1030 |
Coffee break |
Coffee break |
Coffee break |
Coffee break |
Coffee break |
1030-1200 |
I. The LandscapeAdapting to Change: New Challenges and Opportunities for RH Programs |
III. The Experiences Theme 2: Decentralization Country case study 2: Ghana |
HIV/AIDS continued
Country case study 5: Uganda Case study wrap-up: Malawi and Uganda |
Organizational and Institutional Challenges: Country Presentations and Discussion (continued) |
1200-1300 |
II. The Modalities of Reform: Diversity of Approaches |
Country team |
Country team |
Country team |
1300-1430 |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
1430-1530 |
The Structure of Reform in the Republic of KaribuniGroup Exercise #1 |
Discussion group * |
Free afternoon |
Discussion group *
Evaluation of the Forum (in small groups) | |
1530-1600 |
Country case study 3: Zambia |
III. The Experiences Theme 4: Public-Private Mix |
Organizational and Institutional Challenges: (continued) |
1600-1630 |
Dinner keynote address: |
Tea break |
Tea break |
Tea break |
Tea break |
1630-1800 |
Dr. Olive Shisana, Executive Director, Family and Health Services, World Health Organization Registration (1600-1800) Welcome cocktails and dinner Welcome addresses: Hon. Jackson Kalweo, M.P., Kenyan Minister of Health Hon. S. Nyachae, M.P., Kenyan Minister of Finance; Dr. Vinod Thomas, Director, Economic Devt. Institute Prof. David Bloom, Deputy Director, Harvard Institute for International Devt. |
The Structure of Reform in the Republic of KaribuniGroup Exercise #1 |
Country case study 3: Zambia continued(1630-1730) Case study |
Country case study 6: Mali |
Organizational and Institutional Challenges |
* Discussion group: Meet 1430-1530 Tuesday and Thursday
0Country team work: Meet 1200-1300 Tuesday-Thursday